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This dish is unusual and it is also exquisite. It is a combination of organic and artistic culinary expression which culminated at the name of my second uncle in law, Jawahara Mohammed, a chef of redoubtable fussiness and gargantuan gourmet vision. Uncle Jay, as we affectionately call him, proclaims "It is achieved at the epoch, I have formalised the tradition of centuries, my creation is your splendour, to enjoy in it's perfection at your banquet". Uncle is inclined to the grandiose.


In this dish the meat is boiled, and in this dish you will chop an inordinate amount of coriander; it is in fact extraordinary. You may cook lamb, or you may cook goat  which I prefer, or you may use chicken. If using chicken you must reduce the boiling time to 20 minutes if you have jointed a chook, depending on the size of the jointed pieces. If some are large and some are not so large, then you will need to estimate I imagine, not having boiled a chook, or chook pieces, in fact, if I were using chook in this recipe, which I would never do, I might fry the pieces instead, perhaps in hot asotaefida'd mustard oil, adding mustard seeds, garlic, salt, pepper and white wine, then cover for 30 minutes.....


1 kg of lamb or goat meat suitable for casserole (usually shoulder)

1/2 teaspoon turmeric (ground)

1 1/4 teaspoon salt

2 large black cardamoms (optional)


1.                  Place all in a pan with 3 cups of water and bring to boil, then simmer for 1 hour, at which time it should be almost tender. Remove meat and keep the broth - it will be used at step 3. 

5 tbs corn, macadamia or olive oil

2 medium onions, cut in half longwise, then across into fine half rings 


2.                  Heat oil in a large heavy based, Italian, French or German frying pan to medium high and fry onions until reddish brown and crisp. Remove and spread on absorbent paper. 

3 cloves

5 whole black peppercorns

3 cardamon pods

1 1/2 inch cinnamon stick

4 cups plain yoghurt (Jalna premium or a good Greek)

5 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed


3.                  Place spices into the onion oil (add oil if necessary) for a minute to flavour the oil, then add the yoghurt and garlic. Keep stirring the mixture until it has reduced to a thick white sauce then add the meat and cook for 3 minutes.


Freshly ground black pepper

Washed and finely chopped coriander to make 2 cups (about 200g)


4.                  Pour the broth into the mixture and cook on high heat until the stock comes up to about 1/3 of the meat. Just before serving stir onions into pan with pepper and coriander, and Jawahara's your second uncle. Bless him.