Home TURKEY Croatia,Serbia,Czech Bulgaria UK,Ireland,Mehico Cuba,Mexico, summary Guatemala,Antigua Thai, Lao Vietnam, Cambodia Bangladesh,India, Thailand Cara 1996 Cara 2001 Lloyds Honeymoon 


hi mums, in vietnam now after a truely hidious bus journey - 26hrs and only

one toilet stop- squatting by the side of the road - very painful after an

afternoon beer session. god I'm in agony just thinking about it again.

anyhow, in nam now and loving it, it really is one of my all time favourite

places. we were wondering if it was still going to be exciting for us,after

seeing so many other places on this trip, but not jaded at all - my senses

have gone into overload. smells, tastes, crazy sights - it's so great here,

trying to work out a way to stay and live - maybe teach english...but

perhaps it's just a pipe dream. Greg has a buddy in oz who lived here in

hanoi for 8 years, he's emailing him now to ask if he has any job

connections....Shame about that mortgage thing.


can you let me know what our monthly payments have gone up to? even though

we are ahead you still have to pay the required amount each month. cheers.

Also, when is the payment effective from?hopefully not this month.



sounds like christmas is going to be actioned packed -save a prawn cocktail

for me and think of me in cambodio - singing christmas carols with the khmer



Any updated shots of house with the plaster??


okaydokey. better go and build up hunger for another yummy ricenoodle soup!

lots of love to you. love






hiya, no news this monday. jeez outta sight outta mind. i hope you've got a

decent excuse.

how was your weekend? house the palace progressing? how are the boys

regressing? etc. got  some emails from them. you've a couple of strange lads

on your hands there. very amusing though. will write back to them shortly.


up in freezing sapa at the moment. experiencing sub zero temperatures and

zero visability. not prepared at all for the weather and hence have been

hybernating in cosy room. searching for firewood to light our fire. will

brave the weather tomorrow and do a trek around the area. have told greg we

need to get into training for Nepal.


hope you and dad are okay. sending lot's of love and stuff.





From:    Cara McGloin [SMTP:caramcgloin@hotmail.com]

> > Sent:            Sunday, December 14, 2003 12:38 PM

> > To:            Denise.McGloin@dva.gov.au

> > Subject:            RE: hi mums

> >

> > hi mum, it's pretty early here. 8:20am. waiting around for greg to

> > arise...it's usually the other way around but i hit the sack early last

> > night. After 17hr bus trip and a new strain of the Cold, I was


> > I'm averaging a cold every three weeks now...I Must have got this one


> >

> > freezing sapa.

> >

> > Now in Hoi An. Which is still great. You may remeber me telling you last

> > time about all the cheap taylor shops and shoemakers. You can get a pair

> > of

> > shoes made to your exact specifications for as little as $5.00! leather

> > too

> > - goodstuff. anticipate shopping hard here.

> >

> > the weather is pretty miserable still. december is not the best time to

> > visit vietnam it seems. the beaches arn't inviting and it's raining a


> >

> > bit so we can't hire a motorbike (you'll be glad about that). But the


> >

> > is still great. We went back to the Fukian restuarant which was a

> > favourite

> > of ours last time we were in hoi an.  The son of the owner remembered us


> >

> > we were teaching him australian slang last time. And the food was


> > best seafood in vietnam i reckon.

> >

> > Not much else to report. there were big celebrations here on saturday


> >

> > vietnam and thailand played in the south east asia games football final


> > held in hanoi. they lost sadly but that didn't stop them from


> >

> > parades and all ?

> >

> > would love to see the progress of house but agree a surprise would be


> >

> > too!

> > how was your weekend? and how are the three boys?

> >

> > better go. much love CaraXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX






xin chao all, seasons greetings from vietnam. hope the festive season is

treating you well and you're all over-indulging, as you should be. no such

thing as cholesterol at this time of year...


all good here. we left laos about 3.5 weeks ago after spending a week up in

the north of the country in a tiny village called Mgoi Noi. We spent our

time there laying in hammocks overlooking the river, hiking around, playing

soccer with the locals (greg), spectating at soccer matches (me), drinking

the local whiskey (which was reasonably priced at 0.80cents a litre..),

avoiding poisonous snakes, mingling with the townsfolk and other

backpackers. basically taking it nice and easy.


we then headed down to vang vieng, a backpacker mecca. we stayed about 10

days there taking it nice and easy as well. the town is set on a beautiful

crystal clear river, bordered by towering limestone cliffs, lovely stuff. we

did a bit of hiking, cave exploring, waterhole dipping, a bit of motorbike

riding and some kayaking. But mostly we spent our days floating down the

river on innertubes and stopping off at bamboo bars on the bank for a top up

of lao's finest, Beerlao. a sound way to spend a day it was.


we speed through Vientiane, the lao capital, on our way to the vietnam

border. where we had an entertaining few hours watching smugglers load up

there cavities (vehicle cavities, that is..) with all sorts of illicit

substances. realised border control was not very controlled when customs

officers spent the whole time practising their english with greg and myself,

instead of finding illicit substances in cavities...Nice fellows though and

they should now be able to ask for their brides in an ocker drawl. " oi,

youse aint goin no-where till ya packus up with a buck or two"


onwards. we arrived in hanoi after a painfully long bus ride and slept for

days. rejuvenated, we hit the night spots to assess the scene. The New

Century nightclub got top marks from us. The place was heaving with young

vietnamese courting and dancing. The music was great, straight out of

Brixton, London. Greg and I achieved minor celebrity status with our

'western' dance moves, we were accosted by locals everytime we went to the

bathroom, wanting to meet us and shake our hands, well and truly impressed

with our side-to-side shuffling. it was a very funny evening. Hanoi was just

as manic and exciting as it was 3 years ago and we ended up staying longer

then anticipated, wanting to take it nice and easy....


From Hanoi we spent two days on Halong bay. the scenery was lovely but there

were more tourists there then we'd have liked. damn tourists wish they'd

stay home. though, had a great evening sleeping out under the stars on the

deck of our boat - swapping funny travel tales with fellow intrepid

travelers (steve and cassandra, still chuckling over the Indian poo-bucket

tale - that won't happen to us will it?).


From there we headed up to Sapa, situated high in the mountains on the

chinese border. it was bloody cold, foggy and drizzly. we were not prepared

for sub-zero temperatures at all, so we hired a dvd player and spent most of

our time snuggled up doona catching up on bad blockbusters. charlies angels

2, what were they thinking? Did get active on one day though and hiked

around the hill-tribe villages in the area. Sadly, we couldn't see much of

the glorious scenery through the thick fog but had a good time with

vietnamese guide who dazzled us with his spoken and written arabic....? yet

to spot an arab here, but am sure his four years at uni will not be wasted.

one will show up shortly...to be sure.


now in Hoi An, which is one of our fav destinations. it's an old trading

port town, with lovely old chinese and japanese merchant house and the usual

french colonial style buildings which are found all over vietnam. It's a

gem. have been getting busy with Hoi An's famed tailors and have had a stack

of clothing made up very cheaply. The tailors are amazingly quick, they can

whip up a $20.00 cashmere suit overnight and what's more, it usually fits

perfectly. Have been lingering here for the past 10 days- taking it nice and

easy, so it's probably time to get back on the bus and head to saigon. it

will be hard to drag ourselves away as we've met alot of great locals and

ex-pats here who have made our stay very enjoyable. Nevermind, there will be

more laughs around the corner, it's a certainty.


So saigon, where we will celebrate x-mas, is next on the itinerary. Then

onto Cambodia for New years. Will keep you posted on how that turns out.


hope christmas brings lot's of goodies and goodtimes. have a prawn for me.

Tam Biet (vietnamese for: I've just been run over by a cyclo). love caraXX





hi ma &pa, i guess you've settled back into work mode now - not sure it's

going to be that easy for me..I set the alarm for 8 oçlock today (wanting a

full day of phnom penh sightseeing) and went back to sleep. an ungodly hour

it was.


we've spent the past week lazing on a tropical beach here in cambodia with

some funny brits and a gay australian couple we met on the boat from

vietnam. a few more big nights were had...surely they'd are catching up with

me by now? yeh, I'll do they 'get fit' thing when i return...


so all is good here, spent today exploring the 'russian market', found a

cheap azerbajianian but he didn't come in my size...No, the russian market

has all sorts of cheap asian antiques, silks and designer clothing (as all

the big name manufacturers are based in cambodia getting cheap labour) -

Anyway, treated myself to some silk cushion covers and reafirmed the idea

that i'd like to open up my own business stocking asian goods soon (In

threes mum? no grandchidren on the horizon from me...). Apart from russian

market, we visited the S21 museum today - which was a bit disturbing  -it

was an old prision used during the revolution here. 20,000 people were

imprisoned there and only 7 people remained when the vietnamese arrived to

'liberated' camdodia. not to mention the 2,000,000 others the khmer rouge

did away with during the revolution....It's a strange place cambodia- but

will fill you in further on our return. we ended the day with a trip to the

palace - to see how the other guy lives...


Off to siem reap tomorrow to check out angkor wat, then back to bangkok to

arrange indian visa. will email details shortly.


hope everyone is well. have you caved into jamie's electric guitar demands

jet? greg and i have had bets that you will. well The Boy will happy that

i've managed to locate a couple of items from his wish list.


anymore shots on the website of the house?? can't belive you'll be in there

so soon! okay better fly. love caraXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX





hi mums, just arrived back in bangkok yesterday after big bumpy bus journey

from cambodia. angkor wat was amazing, we got up at 4am and saw the sunrise

over it. crazy things you do....

arranging visa and tickets for india at the moment. flying bangladesh air

(ohmigoodness!) staying in dakar overnight (ohmigoodness!!) - a bit nervous

about the whole india thing have heard travel horror stories involving all

sorts of bizarre indian things....we should be fine though..?


funny you mention canberra, we have been talking about moving back -

thinkiing about saving up for a new house there in a couple of years time-

but we'll see...


the house sounds awesome -  really can't wait to see it. really cheap silk

cushion covers here. will pick you some more. let me know about colours.


better go we have to get nepal visa too! how exciting (and scary!)

lots and lots of love caraXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX




hi mums, back in bangkok this morning - waiting for greg to finishing

showering- haven't slept much  -overnight bus was airconditioned and

freezing -brrr. bloody bus company went through my backpack and nicked my

french perfume out of it- was useing it to mask smelly backpacker odour.

nevermind. nothing else of value was in there - apparenlty they weren't keen

on my undies....


good to hear that everything is okay with sherraine - hard to believe

they're excited about it ?- i guess we can be nervous for them.


any more pics of the house on the net - or are you leaving it as a



just got news from tommy our transvestite travel agent that the hotels in

dhakar are booked up - we have to stay at the airport hotle. bummer. was

looking forward to seeing the rickshaw capital of the world. nevermind.


lots of love CaraXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX